
Endorsements: The Outline explores why free prison tablets are highway robbery

“In New York, for example, JPay — which aspires to be the “Apple of prisons” — gave out 52,000 free tablets in February 2018. By 2022, it expects to make all of that money back plus $9 million in profit, according to internal company documents. That’s because of the way it has priced even its most basic inmate services.”

from The Outline’s The Free Prison Tablets That Aren’t 


Endorsements: ‘Astrophysics for People in a Hurry’

The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.

-Neil deGrasse Tyson

from Astrophysics for People in a Hurry



Hello from Richmond, again

Did I mean to not post something here in roughly 10 months? Nah. WordPress went bonkers. Hello from Richmond, again.


I Wrote This: Xbox Music Is Better Than Zune, But Not Really

Microsoft’s plans for consumers has changed a lot in the past few years. The Xbox 360 is now old busted hotness, replaced by the Xbox One with its better performance and more accurate Kinect 2 sensor. Windows actually has a built-in store full of entertainment and productivity apps. That’s something we could only dream about just years ago. Xbox Music has finally replaced Zune. It has become the default, cloud-powered way that users get entertainment across all of Microsoft’s different products. But let’s not go talking crazy to Zune purists. They have a point.

From Quick Words: Xbox Music is Better Than Zune, But Not Really.


Working and working

Just checking in. Working hard that’s all.


My Review of Madden NFL 25

I’ve been threatening folks with my first video game review for ages now. Here’s my review of Madden NFL 25 for enConnected.

American football at its best, consumerism at its most baffling.”


The Real Cost of Returning the Start Menu to Windows

Recently, I shared my thoughts on rumors indicating that Microsoft could return the Start Menu back to Windows.